Louis Ross

A collection of best practices and lessons learned – hope you find a pro tip or two you can use!

Life Is a Numbers Game


We often hear sales people say that “Sales is a numbers game”.  That “Closing deals is a function of how many people we talk to”.  Or that “We miss 100% of the shots we don’t take”.  I venture that life as well, is a numbers game.

Whether it is the single person seeking a spouse, the high school student applying to colleges, the job seeker completing applications, or the sales person talking to leads, life is all about numbers.  Think about it: our lives are the cumulative result of all the micro and macro decisions we’ve made up to this point.  So, as we’ve made decisions, did we apply to enough colleges to get the education we wanted?  Did we apply to those premier companies we admire and wish we could join?  Did we consistently jab the decision makers at enough companies, to explain how we can partner to help them achieve their goals?

Good news: we live in an incredible era.  Thanks to technology and social media, we can have “conversations” with new people every day, expand our network, take more shots, and enjoy more success – with whatever goal it might be.

Ball and hoop